
On 10th August 2022, ‘Annual sports day’ was celebrated in St. Joseph’s Convent School


We organized an awareness program on March 9th, 2023. “Say no to plastic”


Our school provides various co-curricular activities for the betterment of the students


Admission open for the year 2023 - 2024

About Us

Welcome to St.Joseph's ICSE School, Coonoor

The Congregation was founded by 6 young peasant girls from the village of CANTAOUS, in the diocese of Tarbes in southern FRANCE. Each of these girls felt simultaneously the desire to consecrate themselves to God. They confide this desire to their parish priest who with the consent of the local Bishop takes charge of their formation. Another young girl from the neighboring village of Escala joins them. Our six foundresses Blandine Barrere, Maire Dupuy, Jeanne Duffo, Dominiquette Barrere, Eulalie Barrere, Marie Barrere along with Jeanne Marie Barrere start life in community on 15th August 1843 which is the day of the foundation of the Congregation.

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